
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Estela Regina Garlet” ,找到相关结果约10503条。
Tecnological organization of team’s health-related work in an emergency room – previous note.
Estela Regina Garlet,Maria Alice Dias da Silva Lima
Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing , 2008,
Abstract: The following paper aims at analyzing the technological organization of team’s health-related work in an emergency room of a public hospital in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, describing the context of the work in the emergency room, as well as the conceptions of the professionals who perform such work. It is a qualitative research performed as a case study. The research constituted a Master’s Degree Project of the Nursing Graduation Program of the Nursing School of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Tecnological organization of team’s health-related work in an emergency room – previous note.
Estela Regina Garlet,Maria Alice Dias da Silva Lima
Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing , 2008,
Abstract: The following paper aims at analyzing the technological organization of team’s health-related work in an emergency room of a public hospital in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, describing the context of the work in the emergency room, as well as the conceptions of the professionals who perform such work. It is a qualitative research performed as a case study. The research constituted a Master’s Degree Project of the Nursing Graduation Program of the Nursing School of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul.
Nursing practice in emergency care: systematic review
José Luís Guedes dos Santos,Graciela Cabreira Gehlen,Alisia Helena Weis,Estela Regina Garlet
Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing , 2009,
Abstract: The objective of the present study was to characterize and analyze the Brazilian literature on nursing practice in emergency care at health services in Brazil. This systematic literature review was performed using the following keywords: emergency nursing, nurse’s role, emergency medical services, primary health care and health services; and resulted in 18 articles. The databases used were LILACS, MEDLINE and BDENF, between 2003 and 2008. Results show that most studies are performed at emergency hospitals, investigations emphasize on aspects related to nursing workers’ health, and only a few studies focus specifically on nursing practice in the other components established by the National Policy for Emergency Care. These results highlight the need for further research with a view to identify and discuss on the limits and possibilities related nursing knowledge and practice at different health care levels, which would contribute to forming a health care network in which one service complements the action of another by means of emergency care mechanisms that have been organized and agreed upon.
Acidentes e violências: caracteriza??o dos atendimentos no pronto-socorro de um hospital universitário
Santos, José Luís Guedes dos;Garlet, Estela Regina;Figueira, Raquel Basso;Lima, Suzinara Beatriz Soares de;Prochnow, Adelina Giacomelli;
Saúde e Sociedade , 2008, DOI: 10.1590/S0104-12902008000300021
Abstract: this article, of an exploratory-descriptive character, aims to characterize the medical care provided in cases of accidents and violence in the emergency room of a university hospital, located in the interior of the state of rio grande do sul (rs). the data were obtained from the registers of a monitoring system called "observatório de acidentes e violência" (observatory of accidents and violence), which exists in the urgency and emergency services in rs and acts as a sentry of these injuries. the results showed that young adults who are non-workers and have low schooling are the main victims of accidents and violence. the most frequent types of occurrence were domestic accidents and traffic accidents, generating as the most constant injuries wounds in the head and femur fractures. with regard to the sex, although for some types of accidents and violence the predominance varied between them, the set of data showed greater masculine vulnerability, especially in cases of interpersonal violence. thus, the consequences of accidents and violence for the health system and the society point to the need of improving the information systems of morbimortality caused by external causes, in order to subsidize public prevention policies and improve the care provided for the victims.
Organiza??o do trabalho de uma equipe de saúde no atendimento ao usuário em situa??es de urgência e emergência
Garlet, Estela Regina;Lima, Maria Alice Dias da Silva;Santos, José Luís Guedes dos;Marques, Giselda Quintana;
Texto & Contexto - Enfermagem , 2009, DOI: 10.1590/S0104-07072009000200009
Abstract: the objective of this paper is to analyze the organization of a health team while rendering services in urgency and emergency situations in a hospital unit in the state of rio grande do sul, brazil. it was a qualitative case study. the data was collected through observation and semi-structured interviews with health professionals between june and september of 2007. the data analysis followed a qualitative approach: ordering, classification by relevance, synthesis, and interpretation. teamwork is divided into death-risk cases, assistance to patients under observation, and attention to users with non-emergency cases. thus, professionals are overloaded and patients quite often are not rendered the right service. the study offers support for reorganizing work processes, aiming to improve the quality and effectiveness of emergency service.
Work objective in emergency wards: professionals' conceptions
Garlet, Estela Regina;Lima, Maria Alice Dias da Silva;Santos, José Luís Guedes dos;Marques, Giselda Quintana;
Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem , 2009, DOI: 10.1590/S0104-11692009000400016
Abstract: this qualitative case study aimed to analyze how health team professionals perceive the work objective in one emergency unit. the place of study was a hospital emergency ward in the state of rio grande do sul, brazil. data collection was conducted through observation and semi-structured interview. the results disclose the divergence between the health needs that make users seek health care in the emergency ward; and the work objective at that ward as highlighted by the professionals. the work team shows dissatisfaction due to the excessive search for care that cannot be classified as emergency, highlighting the number of attendances as a justification for resistance to perform the work and lack of commitment in care production.
Estela Regina Garlet,Maria Alice Dias da Silva Lima,José Luís Guedes dos Santos,Giselda Quintana Marques
Texto & Contexto - Enfermagem , 2009,
Abstract: Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo analizar la organización del trabajo de un equipo de salud de una unidad de urgencia y emergencia ubicada en Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil). Se trata de un estudio cualitativo de tipo estudio de caso. La recolección de los datos se hizo por medio de observación y entrevista semiestructurada con profesionales del equipo entre junio y septiembre del 2007. Se realizó un análisis de los datos según las directrices del método cualitativo: ordenación, clasificación por relevancia, síntesis e interpretación. El trabajo del equipo se divide entre la atención a los casos que presentan riesgo de vida, la asistencia a los pacientes en observación y la atención a los usuarios con demandas no urgentes. Así, los profesionales se ven sobrecargados y los pacientes no son atendidos adecuadamente. El estudio ofrece aportes para la reordenación de los procesos de trabajo, tratando de alcanzar la resolutividad de la atención a las urgencias.
Desafios para a gerência do cuidado em emergência na perspectiva de enfermeiros Challenges for the management of emergency care from the perspective of nurses
José Luís Guedes dos Santos,Maria Alice Dias da Silva Lima,Aline Lima Pestana,Estela Regina Garlet
Acta Paulista de Enfermagem , 2013,
Abstract: OBJETIVO: Analisar os desafios para a gerência do cuidado em um servi o hospitalar de emergência, com base na perspectiva de enfermeiros. MéTODOS: Pesquisa qualitativa, do tipo descritiva e exploratória, realizada de junho a setembro/2009, por meio de entrevista semiestruturada com 20 enfermeiros do Servi o de Emergência de um Hospital Universitário da Regi o Sul do Brasil. Os dados foram analisados mediante análise temática. RESULTADOS: Os principais desafios dos enfermeiros na gerência do cuidado em emergência foram gerenciamento da superlota o, manuten o da qualidade do cuidado e utiliza o da lideran a como instrumento gerencial. As sugest es citadas para superá-los foram reorganiza o do sistema de saúde para aten o às urgências, altera o no fluxo de atendimento dos pacientes e realiza o de capacita o sobre o gerenciamento de enfermagem. CONCLUS O: Tais desafios e estratégias representam um impulso para o desenvolvimento de novas práticas por intermédio de um trabalho colaborativo e articulado com a rede de aten o às urgências. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the challenges for the management of care in a hospital emergency department, based on the perspective of nurses. METHODS: A qualitative, descriptive and exploratory study, conducted from June to September 2009, through semi-structured interviews with 20 nurses in the Emergency Department of a university hospital in southern region of Brazil. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis. RESULTS: The main challenges of nursing in managing care in emergency units were: management of overcrowding, maintaining quality of care, and utilization of leadership as a management tool. The suggestions mentioned to overcome these were: reorganization of the health system to focus on emergencies, changes in the flow of patient care, and implementation of training on nursing management. CONCLUSION: Such challenges and strategies represented a boost to the development of new practices through collaborative and coordinated work with the emergency care network.
The resignification of management processes in care procedures in nursing
Estela Regina Garlet,Letícia de Lima Trindade,Maria Alice Dias da Silva Lima,Ana Lúcia de Lourenzi Bonilha
Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing , 2006,
Abstract: This study had as goal to discuss some aspects about the management processes in the care production in nursing. It’s made up by a critic reflective analysis, which aims to reflect on the questioning that was brought from the reading of texts used in a doctor and master’s course. During the subject’s development it was possible to identify, through the analysis of the suggested bibliography, the drifting away visualized by the nurses between the management and the care. However it’s possible to conclude that this is due to, in great part to these professionals’ graduation, which lead to the distortion on the comprehension of these subjects about the care procedures.
Enfermeiro hospitalar e o stress
Bianchi, Estela Regina Ferraz;
Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP , 2000, DOI: 10.1590/S0080-62342000000400011
Abstract: this study is a comparison between hospital nurses who work in 'open and closed" units. in open units, patient and his family have free transit and in closed units, like critical care unit, patient and his family have limitation in transit. the results demonstrated that nurses who worked in open unit had higher stress score than nurses in closed units. for both groups, personal administration had high stress score. the nurses' education is important to improve her performance.

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